Overpain - Battlecry

Last fucking war
You better wake up

We've had enoung from these clowns in power
The only thing they know is devour devour!
All the pain and sorrow they caused
All the familes and houses that lost
Who will take the responsibility?
Who will carry this burden?
This is not the life I dreamed
I'm gonna fight for my beliefs

For the blood they spill
For the made up facts that make us to believe
This is red pill or back to sleep
Where's is your free will?
You're just a pawn under their dominion

Straight from the heart we'll fight
And we will never give up
We have to try to change this world
We're not destined to rot!

Show no mercy, cause they won't
This is for real, forget what you've been taught
Search for the fucking truth
Believe or not, it worths to give it a shot
I think we've struggled enough
We're living in hell can you realize that?
I think we've suffered enough
Our flesh is the fucking trap

So many tears, too much blood, too much pain
War is never an option but sometimes is a fucking must!

Fallen friends, fallen enemies, casualties in this fight for freedom
Only scars and pride will remain
And memories that will never fade away!

One thing I learned in this heartless world is to love the unloved
We are all humans fuck the colors fuck the religions
There are more than meets the eye who the fuck are you waiting to save you
When the liberty stops only the turanny starts do you hear me

This is a mothafucking battlecry

Knuckle up
Lock and load get ready for war
Their world collides
Their mask will fall
We'll finally see who's pulling the strings
Behind this puppetry scene

Side by side we strife against this plan of life
Won't let them push more deep and deeper the knife